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Serotonin and GABA. Hiroshi KIMURA 1 , Ikuo TORYAMA 2 1Department of Anatomy, Shiga University of Medical Science 2Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto University pp.204-215
Published Date 1987/4/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431905876
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Visualization of serotonin (5 HT) neuronal structure was first achieved by fluorescent histo-chemistry, so-called Falck-Hillarp's method, in 1962. The technique opened a wide field for studying serotoninergic raphe systems in relation to various brain function. However, informations obtained by this method were considerably limited as compared with those obtained by bio-chemical and physiological approaches. This is mainly because the low sensitivity of the method for detecting yellow 5 HT fluorescence which was rapidly fading out by ultraviolet irradiation.Alternative methods, such as 〔3H〕-5 HT auto-radiography and false transmitter histochemistry, has been developed, but they also have difficulties in specificity or sensitivity.

The third and latest methods depend upon the immunohistochemical principle, and the most successful results have been obtained by using antibodies against haptenic 5 HT. Initially, such antibodies had been developed for radioimmuno-assay for measuring tissue 5 HT contents. However, immunochemical studies suggested that the 5 HT antibodies did not recognize free molecule of 5 HT but recognize 5 HT which was bound to large molecules. This somewhat unique property in antibody recognition can smartly be employed in morphological study, since recent immuno-histochemical methods always include tissue fixa-tion whereby endogenous 5 HT molecules are bound to tissue proteins. As the situation is such that, the specificity of 5 HT antibodies has a key for the conclusion of the immunohistochemical results. The use of monoclonal antibody, therefore, is particularly important for the identification of 5 HT. Here reviews a recent advance in such methodology using 5 HT monoclonal antibody, and an example of the application to quantitative neurotransmitter histochemistry is given.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


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