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抄録 私共はさきに青斑核・視床下部を初めとする自律系,辺縁系の神経細胞,脳室周囲器官にHolmes法陽性小休が多数存在する事を報告した。本報では各種条件下でこれらがどのような変化を示すかを検索するため20g前後の正常ddYマウス, ddYマウスを種々の実験条件下にしたもの,さらに胎仔および生後幼若ddYマウスをカルノウスキー液で固定し, Holmes変法により染色し観察した。
The intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies were found to be intensely stained in the normal nerve cells by the modified Holmes method (Katoh and Shimizu, 1982b). In the present study we used ddY mouse under normal and experimental conditions and stained locus coeruleus region, where the inclusion bodies are remarkably rich in number. The inclu-sion bodies stained by Holmes method were round in shape and 1-3μm in size and were present singly or 2 in one cell. Total number of these bodies amounted to 1569±166 in the unilateral locus coeruleus in both sexes.
Experimental conditions, such as dehydration for 3-6 days, fasting for 3-6 days, dehydration plus fasting for 3-6 days and reserpine (5 mg/Kg) administration markedly decreased the number of the bodies. However castration (10 to 30 days after operation) and vasopressin (2 IU each for 13 days) produced no changes. Nialamide (300 mg/Kg each for 3 days) caused slight increase. In the ontogene-tic development the bodies already appeared in the late fetal life.
Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.