

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


THE NUCLEOLUS-LIKE BODIES IN THE MOUSE LOCUS COERULEUS Yoshimitsu Katoh 1 1Department of Anatomy, Fujita-Gakuen University School of Medicine pp.39-45
Published Date 1982/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204877
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In the locus coeruleus of the normal mouse the presence and fine structure of nucleolus-like bodies have been studied by light and electron micro-scopic observation. In light microscopic observa-tion, it was clearly found that the bodies were characteristically stained for the first time in the mouse locus coeruleus by Holmes' silver staining. In the electron microscopic observation of conven-tional aldehyde-osmium fixed materials the locus coeruleus cell cytoplasm frequently showed the round nucleolus-like inclusion bodies of various size (1-3μm). These bodies devoid of the limiting membrane showed various size and structure: some bodies consist of complete aggregate of granules of medium-density, other bodies containing clear spaces of varying shape and size, which included accumulated fine filaments and round less dense granular body.

The present investigation is to determine whether or not the Holmes positive bodies are identical with electron microscopically demonstrable nucleo-lus-like bodies. Upon electron microscopic examina-tion of vibratome materials (100-150μm) treated by Holmes' method, we fortunately found the picture of nucleolus-like bodies loaded with heavy deposition of gold particles. From the observations stated above, we confirmed the identity of cyto-plasmic inclusion bodies stained by Holmes' method of paraffin sections with the nucleolus-like bodies demonstrated under electron microscope.

Therefore, though this silver metbod is devoid of histochemical values, it is worthwhile to clearly demonstrate the intracytoplasmic nucleolus-like bodies and their distribution and amount in the various parts of the brain. By the Holmes staining of the paraffin sections and electron microscopic observation, it was clarified that nucleolus-like bodies were present in almost all the locus coeruleus cell cytoplasm of both male and female mice.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


