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CONGENITAL MINAMATA DISEASE ACCOMPANIED BY ARACIINOID CYST Kyoichi Hira 1 , Masazumi Harada 2 , Shigeharu Takehara 1 , Keikichi Kabashima 1 , Seijun Tatetsu 1 , Masamichi Fujioka 3 , Hirohide Yasutake 4 , Mineo Ozaki 4 1Department of Neuropsychiatry, School of Medicine, Kumamoto University 2Department of Neuropsychiatry, Institute of Constitutional Medicine, Kumamoto University 3Department of Neurosurgery, School of Medicine, Kumamoto University 4Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Kumamoto University pp.259-266
Published Date 1982/3/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204909
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A male, born on December 8, 1956, during the period when many Minamata diseases broke out in a district. His parents who ate much fish and shell-fish taken in Minamata Bay suffered from the light, incomplete Minamata disease showing sensory disturbance, the constriction of the visual field, muscular weakness, etc.

He weighed 3,225 gr. upon the normal birth given 10 months after pregnancy. His abnormal-ities were noted since his head was not stabilized on the neck even six months after the birth. Because of the delay in the development of the motor function, he became barely able to sit, stand up and begin walking at the ages of 3, 5 and 6 respectively. In 1962 (at the age of 6), his con-genital Minamata disease was diagnosed in view of his clinical symptoms and epidemiological con-ditions. The mercury value in the hair and blood upon the birth is not known because a considerable time had elapsed after the birth when his mercury poisoning was discovered.

However, the clinical symptoms included intel-ligence disturbance, character change, dysarthria, primitive reflexes, strabismus, hypersalivation, ataxia and hyperkinesia, indicating a typical con-genital Minamata disease. Until he became 13 years old (1969) or so, his mental and motor func-tion developed, both gradually. In the same year, he was admitted to a special class for the handi-capped. EEG examination revealed that there was a slow a activity in the basic pattern and that 6 Hz positive spike was found in the sleep EEG. The constriction of the visual field was classified through examination.

When 15 years old in 1971, he complained of severe headache and showed irritability and emo-tional unstability as wall as displeasure. Additional-ly, his neurological symptoms somewhat deterio-rated again. CT scanning examination disclosed that extensive localized low densities existed in the right frontal, temporal and parietal region on one hand as well as the left frontal and temporal region on the other. Further, a diagnosis of his non-communicating arachnoid cyst was made by metri-zamide CT cisternography.

Both-side custoperitoneal shunt was carried out in March, 1981. Nevertheless, neither clinical symptoms nor CT scanning findings sl owed any noticeable change despite some relief from the headache.

The epidemiological conditions and clinical symp-toms were not contradictory to the congenital Minamata disease. Arachnoid cysts in general show no other neurological symptoms than headache and epilepsy. It cannot be said, therefore, that his varied neurological symptoms were caused by arach-noid cysts. At present, its cause is not definite but it is generally considered to come from the congenital malformation during intrauterine period. On the other hand, it has been considered that the organic mercury poisoning during intrauterine period is rather fetopathy than embriopathy, i. e. no congenital malformation is observed in congeni-tal Minamata diseases. However, the latest results of animal experiments and clinical epidemiological studies suggest that organic mercury may induce congenital abnormalities. Therefore, the authors consider the symptoms as rather attributable to the arachnoid cyst as the congenital malformation due to organic mercury poisoning during intra-uterine period than to the accidental complication of Minamata disease and arachnoid cyst.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


