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抄録 合成二重鎖RNA,Poly ICはゲッ歯類においては優秀なinterferon inducerとして知られるが,interferon誘発能の割に発熱等の副作用が強く,臨床的に有効な結果をみるには至つていない。そこでpolyICをpoly L-Lysineで安定化したpoly ICLCを合成し,ラットにおけるinterferon誘発能,抗腫瘍効果,毒性について観察すると共に,臨床的にphase I,II studyを行つた。poly ICLCをラットに静注すると,同量のpoly ICに比べ高レベルの血中interferon価が長時間維持され,又poly ICLC 1mg/kg静注により,脳腫瘍ラットに対する有意な延命効果が認められたが,poly ICでは効果を認めなかった。臨床的には,poly lCLC0.05〜0.2mg/kgを9例の悪性脳腫瘍患者に点滴静注した。全例において100単位/ml以上の血中interferonピーク値が認められ,24時間にわたり維持された。今回のシリーズでは,poly ICLCは重症患者に投与される機会が多く,臨床効果の判定は早計であるが,1週間隔で10回以上与した2症例を含む3症例では神経症状の改善がみられ,1例ではCT scan上腫瘍の縮小をみとめた。副作用としては発熱が全例にみられたが,平均体温上昇は1.9℃にとどまり,poly ICより軽度であつた。又少数例で血圧低下,白血球減少,肝機能障害がみられたが,いずれも一過性であつた。
Interferferon inducing activity, antitumor activity and toxicity of poly ICLC (poly IC stabilized with poly L-Lysine and carboxymethyl cellulose) in rodents were studied. SD strain rats were injected intravenously with poly IC or poly ICLC. Inter-feron in rat plasma was assayed by a plaque reduction method using stomatitis virus. The peak level of plasma interferon of the poly ICLC injec-tion rat was as high as that of poly IC injectionrat, and in the former, high level of plasma in-terferon persisted for 4-12 hours. Next, brain tumor-bearing rats were treated intravenously with poly ICLC and observed for death daily. Weekly treatment with 1 mg/kg of poly ICLC increased the mean survival time although no antitumor effect was observed with poly IC. The LD 50 value of poly IC was 33.5 mg/kg, and that of poly ICLC was 18.6 mg/kg and as to poly ICLC administration, no remarkable side effect was recognized below the dose of 1.5 mg/kg.
In clinical trials, poly ICLC was given intrave-nously at the dose of 0. 05-0. 2 mg/kg to 9 patients with malignant brain tumor. (6 patients were glio-blastoma, 1 was astrocytoma, and 2 were epen-dymoma.) In 2 patients, poly ICLC was admini-stered once, in 2 patients twice, in 2 patients 3 times, and in 3 patients more than 5 times. The interval of each administration was 7 days. Poly ICLC induced high level of serum interferon (more than 100 reference unit/m/) in all patients and over 100 unit/m/ of interferon was maintained for 24 hours. The highest interferon titer induced was 875 unit/m/. The most frequently encountered toxic reaction was fever, which occurred in all cases. The mean peak temperature elevation was 1.9℃, which usually occurred 4-8 hours after drug administration. Modest hypotention was detected in one case. Leucopenia was detected in 3 cases. These abnormalities were all modest, and improved in a few days. As to the effect of poly ICLC, neurological improvement was recognized in 3 cases, and in one of them, remission on CT scan was also recognized.

Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.