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鎖骨頭蓋異骨症cleidocranial dysostosisは,遺伝性を有し,頭蓋骨異常,鎖骨形成不全,歯牙発育異常を特徴とする先天性骨系統疾患である.1898年MarieおよびSaintonによって疾患概念が確立され,本邦では1933年羽根田3)の報告以来,今日までに約150例の報告がある1,10,22).また,本症には種々の神経疾患の合併が報告されているが,これらの症例は主にCTスキャン出現以前のものであり,その脳内病変の詳細な検討は行われてはいない.
Cleidocranial dysostosis (CCD) is a rare congenital disorder characterized by the heredity, the disturbance of the ossification of the skull and clavicles, and dental anomaly. The entity of CCD was established by Marie and Sainton in 1898. In Japan about 150 cases have been reported since Haneda's first report in 1933.
Recently we experienced a rare case of CCD associ-ated with the temporal arachnoid cyst. The patient was a 61-year-old male who had suffered from mild spastic paresis of the left upper extremity since his childhood.

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