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抄録 CTの出現にてin vivoの状態で脳の形態の研究が可能となった。今回,前頭葉,頭頂葉に注目し,機能的,解剖学的な左右差の有無をCTにより検討した。対象は,正常と判定した右利きの外来患者150人のhigh convexity CTで検索した。解剖学的なチェックポイントとして上前頭溝,前中心溝,前上中心回,後中心同,後中心溝,帯状溝などに注目し,これらの左右大脳半球における位置関係,幅の広さの比較を行った。検索結果では,85%以上の高頻度の検出率で脳回,脳溝の同定が可能であった。上前頭溝の検出率は,87%で,その内の80%は,前中心溝に吻合しており,帯状溝の検出率は86%で,脳溝,脳回の解剖学的な位置決定に役立った。運動領は,左大脳半球のものが右大脳半球のものより広い例が43.6%で,知覚領でも左大脳半球が右大脳半球より広かった例は40.5%であった。運動領,知覚領の位置は,43.6%において右大脳半球のものが左大脳半球のものより前方にあり,その逆は18.4%と低かった。
The anatomical asymmetries of the cerebral hemispheres were described by several investigators. These evaluations were done in postmortem con-dition. With the introduction of the CT scan, the cytoarchitecture of the human brain in vivo are well appreciated. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the functional and anatomical asymmetries on the frontal and parietal lobes.
Materials and Methods
The subjects consisted of 150 cases, the age of which ranged from second to eighth decade to demonstrate the cortical sulci and gyri on high convexity CT scans. The superior frontal sulcus terminates at or near the precentral sulcus and the termination of the cingulate sulcus lies in the vicinity of the postcentral sulcus. From these anatomical landmarks, the identification of the sulci and gyri on the frontal and parietal lobes are examined.
1) The demonstration of the cortical sulci and gyri on CT is as high as 85 percent.
2) 70.3 percent of the superior frontal sulcus in the left cerebral hemisphere are in parallel direction to the falx cerebri and 60.9 percent in the right cerebral hemisphere.
3) 43.6% of the precentral gyrus in the left cerebral hemisphere is wider than in the right one. 17. 2% of the precentral gyrus in the right cerebral hemisphere is larger than in the left one.
4) The width of the postcentral gyrus in the left cerebral hemisphere is wider in 44. 5% than in the right one. And 19. 5% of the postcentral gyrus in the right cerebral hemispere is larger than in the left one.
5) 43. 6 percent of the precentral and postcentral gyrus in the right cerebral hemisphere lies forward in location than in the left one.
It might be suggested that the motor and sensory area in the left cerebral hemisphere is larger than in the right one and lies slightly backward in location than in the right cerebral hemisphere.

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