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A CASE OF NEMALINE MYOPATHY WITH CORE/TARGETOID FIBERS AND LOBULATED FIBERS Hidetoshi Fukunaga 1 , Mitsuru Imaguma 1 , Hiroyasu Taniguchi 2 , Hiroaki Nakashima 2 , Mitsuhiro Osame 1 , Akihiro Igata 1 1The Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kagoshima University School of Medicine 2The National Institute of Minamikyushu Hospital pp.965-970
Published Date 1980/9/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204646
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A case of nemaline myopathy is reported.

The patient was a 23-year-old man, born of consanguineous parents. His early milestones were reported to be normal. At the age of 10, bilateral pseudohypertrophies of gastrocnemius were indi-cated. He noticed abnormalities of walking at about the age of 14, followed by weakness of arms and legs. His disorder was slowly progressive. At the age of 15, he was diagnosed as limb-girdle type of muscular dystrophy.

He has a thin figure, high arched palate and scoliosis. Neurological examination revealed muscle weakness and atrophy, mainly involving the prox-imal and axial muscles. The deep tendon reflexeswere abscent. There were pes cavus bilaterally.

Serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity was mildly raised at 330 units. In the electro-myogram, short duration potentials and sometimes high amplitude spikes were observed in the vastus lateralis muscle and biceps brachii muscle.

The vastus lateral muscle was biopsied. The muscle fibers ranged from 10 ,am to 90 μm in diameter. In trichromatically stained sections, collections of rods were seen in the subsarcolemmal and central regions of the muscle fibers and they were seen in mostly in type 1 fibers. In ATPase reacted sections, muscle showed type 1 fiber predominance. There were varieties of architectural changes of muscle fibers, namely core/targetoid fibers, lobulated fibers, moth-eaten or "increase-decrease" pattern by oxidative enzyme staining.

On EM most of the rods originated from the Z-band and were continuous to the thin filaments. Rod achieved a size up to 2.0 μm and showed a periodicity of parallel striation of about 100 Åand perpendicular striation of 120 Å, arranged in rec-tangular lattice. The targetoid regions revealed closely packed myofibrils and a marked reduction or abscence of mitochondria, glycogen particles and sarcotubules.

There are many reports suggesting neurogenic possibilities of nemaline myopathy. But some myogenic factors as well as neurogenic, in this case were indicated clinically and histologically.

Copyright © 1980, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


