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A CLINICAL AND MYOPATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS OF POLYMYOSITIS Hidetoshi Fukunaga 1 , Mitsuhiro Osame 2 , Izumi Sakashita 1 , Hisami Sameshima 1 , Akihiro Igata 2 1Department of Neurology, Minamikyushu National Hospital 2The third Department of Internal Medicine, Kagoshima University School of Medicine pp.657-661
Published Date 1987/7/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406205937
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The present report analyzed a clinical and myopathological findings of 60 patients defined for the diagnosis of polymyositis. Patients were classified in four groups according to the system Walton and Adams. Forty five per cent were classified as Group I , 28.3 per cent as Group II, 15.0 per cent as Group III and 11.7 per cent as Group IV. Seven patients were associated with a malignant neoplasm and all of them were over fifty. The primary growth was carcinoma of the lung in 2, of the prostate, ovarium, stomach in one case each, and in one case a chronic myelo-genous leukemia and in one case a malignant lymphoma.

The female to male ratio was 2: 1. Though cases were seen in all age groups, the largest number was in the sixth decade. The presenting symptoms and signs were essentially similar to those reported before. Proximal lower and upper limb weakness was the most frequent symptoms (91.7 and 83.3 per cent respectively). Other cha-racteristic symptoms were skin changes, muscle pain, arthralgia and Raynaud's phenomenon. The CK was measured at the time of presentation in 58 of the 60 cases. Normal values were found in 18.3 per cent of cases.

In general, muscle biopsy was performed in the first stage of the disease. A diagnostically abnomal biopsy was 55 cases (92 per cent), but 8 per cent of cases had normal biopsy. The characteristic changes in the biopsies from 60 cases were muscle fiber necrosis, inflammatory infiltration, fibrosis, basophilia and increase of internal nuclei.

We could not get a significant difference between the two groups. However all of the cases of Group IV had muscle fiber necrosis, inflammatory infiltration and fibrosis.

Copyright © 1987, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


