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脈絡叢の神経支配に関する最初の報告は,Benedikt(1874)2)によるもので,彼は人の第4脳室脈絡叢にcar—mine染色を行なつて神経線維を発見し,その線維が延髄の疑核(Nucleus ambiguus)に起源するものであるということから「第13脳神経」と命名している。この報告よりおよそ50年を経て,光学顕微鏡での検索がStöhr(1922)12),Clark (1928)3),Schapiro (1931)11)などによつて行なわれている。しかし,検索技術の困難なこともあつて,それらの結果に不一致な点が多い。
Nerve fibers and nerve endings in the fourth ventricle choroid plexus of the adult rat were studies with the electron microscope. Nerve endings were found at two sites within the plexus : 1) on the vascular wall (i. e., vascular nerve endings), and 2) in the stroma between the choroidal epithelium and the fibrovascular core (i. e., stromal nerve endings). Ultrastructurally all fibers were of the efferent type, and the majority were un-myelinated. No ganglion cell bodies were identified. Fibers ending in relation to the smooth muscle of the vessels presumably control the calibre of these vascular channels. Although the role of the stromal nerve endings is as yet unknown, these fibers may influence epithelial cell functions and thus indirectly regulate choroidal cerebrospinal fluid production.

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