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I.緒 言
cerebellar hemangioblastomaを電顕的に検索したところ,腫瘍細胞内に1〜2μのosmiophilic granuleを認めた。これらの顆粒について,Zimmermanら3),Castaigneら4)はlipid,あるいはlipid dense bodyと述べているが,現在なおその本態について充分には解明されていない。cerebellar hemangioblastomaについては,polycythemiaの合併,ならびに腫瘍内cystの内容液中にerythropoietinが高濃度に認められることはよく知られており,これらの腫瘍細胞内顆粒とerythropoietinとの関連において興味深い1,8,15,22)。
It has been reported that the osmiophilic granules like lipid are found in tumor cell of cerebellar hemangioblastoma with electron microscope. However, their nature and functional significance have still equivocal. We have investigated their granules by the electron microscopic and histochemical analysis.
Tumor cells were classified as clear cell with abundant cytoplasm and dark cell with electron dense cytoplasm. Clear cell might be coincided with foamy cell on light microscopy and contained electron dense, amorphous osmiophilic granules.

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