

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL STUDY ON THE DOPAMINERGIC RECEPTOR STIMULATING AGENTS Takashi Ohmoto 1 , Toshihiko Miyamoto 1 , Yoshimi Baba 1 1Department of Neurological Surgery Okayama University Medical School pp.731-740
Published Date 1977/7/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406204096
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Piribedil (ET 495) and bromoergocriptine (CB 154), both acting directly upon dopaminergic re-ceptors, were experimentally studied in monkeys with resting tremor produced by unilateral lesion of mesencephalic ventromedial tegmentum.

The administration of ET 495 (0.5-3 mg/kg) resulted in a relief of the tremor for 3 to 5 hours in the monkeys with tremor. In some monkeys the administration of ET 495 (1-5 mg/kg) induced repetitive stereotyped involuntary movements of mouth, tongue and extremities. These movements were similar to those produced by the overdose of L-Dopa. The involuntary movements induced by ET 495 were increased when the monkeys were pretreated with small dose of L-Dopa. Haloperidol prevented the development of the involuntary movements.

CB 154 (4-8 mg/kg) diminished tremor in monkeys with resting tremor, and produced stereotyped involuntary movements which were similar to those in ET 495 and L-Dopa. The antitremorogenicaction and the induction of involuntary movements were enhanced in the activity and duration when the drug was administered once a day for a few days period.

Plasma dopa and dopamine levels did not change following the oral administration of ET 495 in a patient with Parkinsonism.

ET 495 was administered to 14 patients with Parkinson's disease. Ten of the 14 cases were benefited from the addition of ET 495. Tremor appeared more responsive than rigidity and akinesia. The overall antiparkinsonian efficacy of ET 495 was less than that of L-Dopa. These results suggest that ET 495 might be of therapeutic value in the patients with Parkinson's disease whose major symptoms, particularly tremor, were not well con-trolled with L-Dopa. Nausea and vomiting as the side effect were noted in 7 cases, and dyskinesias were observed in 5 cases.

Beneficial results were not obtained with CB 154 in Parkinsonian patients because of severe nausea and vomiting which were never eliminated by lower dosage of CB 154.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


