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脳神経外科領域では,尿崩症Diabetes Insipidus (DI)やInappropriate Secretion of ADH (ISADH)といつたADH分泌異常を合併する症例にしばしば遭遇する。こうした症例では,水電解質管理がきわめて重要な問題となる6,15〜18,20,25,38)。しかしながら,これらの病態を早期かつ正確に診断し,適切な治療を行なうのは必ずしも容易ではなく,診断,治療が困難であつた症例の報告も多い5,8,11,24,30,35,36)。従来の診断法は,いずれも定性的であり,実際に患者管理を行なううえで必要な,点滴水分の量や内容を決定する指標とならない点に問題がある。病態の定量的把握,すなわち,水-Na代謝の過誤量がわかれば,具体的な治療方針決定が容易となる。さらにこうした定量的把握法は,複雑な機械などを必要とせず,簡単なノモグラムで算出されることが,特に1臨床での応用上望ましい。
Hypernatremia due to Diabetes Insipidus (DI), and hyponatremia due to Inappropriate Secretion of Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ISADH) are well recog-nized clinical entities. In these situations two main essential elements play important roles, one being free water metabolism and the other being sodium metabolism. In DI, excessive free water excretion and sodium retention occur in the setting of hyper-natremia. In ISADH, excessive free water retention and sodium excretion occur under the condition of hyponatremia.
The authors have devised a new nomogram, calculated from free water clearance (CH2O) and sodium clearance (CNa), to determine accurate dynamics of sodium free water. From this nomo-gram, the Discrepant Excretion Volume (DV) of sodium free water can easily be calculated. This value indicates whether the serum sodium level is moving towards concentration or towards dilution. When the DV is lower than the normal range on this nomogram, it indicates the presence of over dilution; that is, ISADH. When the DV is over the normal range, it indicates the presence of DI.
The authors have calculated the Discrepant Ex-certion Volume on twenty controll cases, twelve ISADH cases, and five DI cases. They found that the DV is a good indicator not only for early diagnosis but also for determination of proper timing and dosage of exogenous antidiuretic hormone in DI, and the timing and duration of water restriction in ISADH.

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