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A new technique for measurement of intracranialpressure was presented. By using this method a)absolute value of pressure, b) easy, simple and in-expensive long-term measurement and c) decreasein danger of infection are obtained. The apparatusconsists of an external device which converts dis-placement of its membrane into quantitative changeof beam and an internal chamber with twomembranes that is implanted in a burr hole betweenscalp and dura mater. These devices have the samediameter and no direct connection each other. Whena pressure in the external device is varied, apressure-displacement curve of its membrane isresulted. The pressure of the external device at thepoint of inflexion of the curve is representative ofthe pressure in the internal chamber. In the animalexperiment, satisfactory results were obtained. (Received: August 30, 1976)

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.