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一方,1974年,小島は"アルコール硝子体と類似した小体"を慢性アルコール中毒症2例の尾状核,視床,視床下部の神経細胞に指摘した3,4)。そして,その硝子体は樹枝状,鹿の角状あるいは線状などを示し,Eosin好性で,Masson trichrome染色で橙褐色,Phloxine Methy—lene Blue染色で赤色を呈したと記載している。アルコール硝子体との関連で記載されたこの硝子体がアルコール中毒症以外にもみられるものか,もしみられるとすれば如何なる疾患にみられるものか,などの疑問が残されている。
Intracytoplasmic hyaline bodies were noticed in nerve cells of the caudate nuclei of the infantile diseases; Leigh's encephalomyelopathy (12-year-old, male), Wilson's disease (14-year-old, male), Morquio's disease (12-year-old, male), pseudoulegyric type of hepatocerebral degeneration (19-year-old, male) and Schilder's disease (15-year-old, male).
The hyaline bodies were noticed as linear, striate, dendritic or antler-like in form and stained pink or red with hematoxylin-eosin, orange or red with Masson trichrome, and dark blue or purple with phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin.
The characteristics of the neuronal inclusions have much resemblance to the "alcoholic hyaline-like bodies" which were described by K. Kojima in the caudate nuclei of alcoholics.
The results may indicate that the presence of the hyaline bodies in the caudate nucleus is not pathognomonic for alcoholic intoxication, but may suggest the presence of a certain common metabolic disorder among the described diseases.
Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.