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FATTY ACID COMPOSITION IN MITOCHONDRIA OF BRAIN TUMOR Yoshihisa Onodera 1,2 , Yukio Yamamoto 1 , Toshiro Tomita 1 , Tetsuro Miwa 1 1Department of neurosurgery, Tokyo Medical college pp.49-55
Published Date 1975/1/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406203645
  • Abstract
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1) The mitochondria were separated from normalbrain by Ozawa's method and brain tumor tissuesby Devlin's method. Then, the fatty acid compo-sitions of these mitochondria were analyzed.

2) Between white and gray matter, there wasno significant difference in the fatty acid compo-sitions of the mitochondria.

3) The fatty acid composition in mitochondriaof brain tumor was shown remarkable differencefrom that of normal brain. In both groups, C 16C 18 and C 18: 1 were found to be major fattyacids, however, we found that, in mitochondria ofbrain tumor, the percentages of these major fattyacids were low, and the percentages of C 18: 2 andshorter chain fatty acids than C 16 were high.

4) On the other hand, among the brain tumorsshowing different histological findings, there wasno significant difference in the fatty acid compo-sitions of their mitochondria.

5) The above mentioned facts suggest that thereaxists significant difference in energy metabolism,especially in the oxidative process of fatty acids,between normal brain and brain tumor.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


