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Seldinger法10)とX線不透過性カテーテルの採用により,大腿動脈などを経て検査を目的としている臓器に分布する動脈内にカテーテルを挿入し選択的に造影することが容易になり,脳を含めた頭頸部疾患の診断にも盛んに利用されるようになつた6,10,13,14)。著者らもカテーテルによる脳血管撮影(いわゆるfour-vessel cerebralangiography)をしばしば行つてきており,必要に応じてカテーテルの先端を外頸動脈に挿入しその動脈を選択的に撮影することもある。
The authors have attempted thirty-five externalcarotid angiographies in the direct puncture methodin a consecutive series of thirty-three cases of thevarious diseases of the head, including three casesof meningioma. The attempt was successful inthirty angiographies; the rate of success was 86per cent.
In two of the five failures, the angiographersatisfied himself to do the common carotid angio-graphy, after the first trial resulted in the internalcarotid angiography. In the third and fourth fail-ures, the angiographer could not help to insertthe needle into the uppermost portion of thecommon carotid artery, since the malignant meta-stases to the submandibular lymph-nodes preventedhim from selecting the proper site of needling. Inthe last failure, the attempt of the external carotidangiography was given up because of the patient'sincooperation.
The authors are now convinced that the selec-tive external carotid angiography in the directpuncture method might be performed in as goodrate of success as the Ruggiero's one, if the inade-quate cases for the angiography as stated abovewould be excluded.
Three cases of meningioma, of which roentgeno-graphic confirmation was made based upon theselective external carotid angiogram in the directpuncturing method, are presented. The middlemeningeal artery, the feeding artery to the tumor,was markedly, dilated in caliber and markedlytortuous in course, and the characteristic patternof vascularity in meningioma was obtained in allthree cases. In the first case, a huge, extremelyhypervascularized tumor had been found in thefrontal region of the left cerebral hemisphere onthe internal carotid angiogram, carried out atanother institute, and the external carotid angio-graphy was attempted by the authors in order todifferentiate between glioblastoma and meningioma.In the remaining two cases, the external carotidangiography was done to confirm that the tumorwas supplied blood mainly from the middle menin-geal artery.
Since the external carotid angiography in thedirect puncturing method is not so difficult as be-ing stressed by many authors but Ruggiero andthe angiography in the catheterization method maynot always be possible to be performed because ofvarious reasons, the angiographer dealing with thediseases of the head and face should master theexternal carotid angiography in the direct punc-turing method.

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