

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


PRIMARY SARCOMAS OF THE BRAIN:Report of Two Cases Jun-ichi KAWAFUCHI 1 , Tadao KANOH 1 , Kazuo SATO 2 1Dept. of Neurosurgery, Gunma University, School of Medicine 2Dept. of Pathology, Gunma University, School of Medicine pp.1145-1150
Published Date 1966/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202137
  • Abstract
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Since Bailey had reoported the primary sarcomas of the brain in 1929, an increasing number of reports have been published elsewhere. Especially, attention was made to the so-called "reticulum cell sarcoma" in relation to the origin of this neoplasm.

Two cases of tumor of this type were reported. Their clinical course were very short when measured from the onset of identifiable clinical manifestations. The tumor tissues occupied the subcortical region of the right occipital lobe and formed irregular invasive masses around the both lateral ventricle in the first case. On the other hand, oval shaped lesion with a diameter of about 5 cm was found in the left cere-bellar hemisphere of the second case, infiltrating to the medulla oblongata and the pons.

Histological examinations revealed that neoplasms of both cases were composed of oval or round cell with a prominent nucleorus, a definite nuclear membrane, and a polygonal nucleus and small amount of cytoplast-ea. Mitotic figures are prominent and numerous phago-cytic cells were also included in the tumor tissues. Perivascular arrangement of these cells with the for-mation of reticulin meshwork were visible by Pap's silver impregnation method. In sections with Cajal's pyrimidine silver method, reactive astrocytosis was demonstrated in the tumor tissues. Penfield's technique for microglia disclosed ameboid granule cells and microglial elements. It is suggested that the tumor of this kind possiblly arises from mesenchymal cells and should he classified melignant lymphoma or primary reticulum cell sarcoma of the brain.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


