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LONG TERM OBSERVATION ON HEMISPHERECTOMIZED DOGS Kenichi OSAWA 1 , Shinichi HORIE 1 , Takahisa ARITA 1 12nd Dept. of Surgery, Iwate Medical College pp.805-811
Published Date 1966/8/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406202094
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The results obtained by long term observation for 9 months or 1 year on the three hemispherecto-mized dogs reserving only thalamus and hypothala-mus were reported.

These results were as followes.

1) Motoric hemiplegia and forced cycle movement were restored to almost normal at 1 year after the operation.

2) Gastrointestinal disturbances such as diarrhoe, nausia, anorexia and prostration were observed at 15-20 days after the operation. Thereafter these symptoms were restored gradually and appetite was found to be getting better and ac-cumulation of fatty adipose was found rather than before.

3) Decreasing of eosinophilic leucocytes and NA in urine, increase of 17 OHCS in urine and changes of responses to Adrenaline, Insulin and ACTH in the animals suggested that the functional dis-order of thalamuspituitary-adrenal axis.

4) Significant fatty degeneration in the liver and remarkable increasing of connective tissue in the spleen and ruined findings of the greater part of thalamus and hypothalamus in reserved side, and cystic formation or adhesion with dura mater in operation side were observed as hestological find-ings.

5) In the long living dogs after hemispherectomy, somewhat abnormal conditions were obsereved in the thalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and slight changes in other organs, but the adaptation sys-tem, pituitary-adrenal axis is not seen to be in-fluenced by hemispherectomy. These compensa-tion ability for the adaptation system depends on function of diencephalon in opposite side.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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