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胎生初期に形戎されるcarotid-basilar anastomosisのなかで,とくにprimitive trigeminal arteryについては,近年,脳血管写の普及により,かなり多くの報告列に接するようになつてきた。
最近,われわれも5例のprimitive trigeminal arteryを経験したが,とくにこれら症例の示すcarotld-basilar anastomosisの形成態度には,おのおの差異があることをみいだしたので,これらについて3型のpersistency typeの分類をあらたに提唱するとともに,このprimitive trigeminal arteryに定型的な後頭蓋窩脳動静脈瘻を合併せるはなはだ興味ある症例に遭遇したので,連続脳血管写による詳細な検討を加えて,ここに報告する。
Five cases of primitive trigeminal artery reported here were revealed to have various features concern-ing the anomalous carotidbasilar anastomosis.
Therefore, according to the extension of blood su-pply from internal carotid artery to basilar arterial system, the author classified these embryonic vessels into three persistency types ;
1) complete anastomotic type
2) incomplete anastomotic type
3) non-anastomotic (residual) type
It is also reported that a case of primitive trigemi-nal artery associated with an infratentorial arterio-venous fistula of which afferent flow was, on serial angiogram, demonstrated to come from right internal carotid artery through this own anastomotic vessel, was treated by carotid ligation with satisfactory good result.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.