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胎生初期に存在する頸動脈・脳底動脈吻合が生後も遺残し,成人期にみられるのは稀とされていたが,最近その報告が散見される。今後脳血管造影の普及にともなってさらに頸動脈・脳底動脈吻合遺残の症例を経験する機会がますます多くなると考えられるので,自験例(primitive trigeminal arteryの2例即ち痙攣発作を有する30歳男性および内頸動脈瘤破裂によるクモ膜下出血を呈した50歳女性,primi—tive hypoglossal arteryの1例即ち頭部外傷の33歳の男性)を報告し,自験例と文献例をもとにその臨床的意義について考察した。また頸動脈・脳底動脈吻合遺残における局所解剖および吻合の状態についても検討した。
Two cases of patients with primitive trigeminal artery and one case of patient with primitive by-poglossal artery are reported and illustrated angio-graphically. The primitive trigeminal arteries are found in a thirty-year-old male with convulsive seizure and in a fifty-year-old female with subarach-noid hemorrhage due to the rupture of the internal carotid aneurysm, and the primitive hypoglossal artery is found in a thirty-three-year-old male with minor head injury.
Literatures on the persistent carotid-basilar an-astomosis are reviewed, and the embryology, to-pographic and angiographic anatomy, and the clinical significances are described and discussed.
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