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Persistent trigeminal artery(以下PTA)は遺残血管の中でも最も頻度が高く,脳動脈瘤や脳動静脈奇形の合併が報告されている.脳動脈瘤の新生を早期に認識することは,クモ膜下出血を扱う脳神経外科医にとって,一つの理想である.しかし,脳動脈瘤がいつ新生されるかは不明であり,現在までPTAを追跡し,脳動脈瘤の新生を確認したという報告はない.著者らは6年前の脳血管撮影でPTAを指摘され,今回新たに未破裂脳動脈瘤を見いだし,クリッピングを行った症例を報告する.
This paper presents a case of a de novo unruptured anterior communicating aneurysm associated with a persistent primitive trigeminal artery. The patient was a 65-year-old female with tinitis, for whom computed tomography with contrast medium indicated right dural enhancement. Dural arteriovernous malformation was suspected and angiography was thus conducted. A right persistent primitive trigeminal artery was demon-strated but no aneurysm could be found. Six years later, magnetic resonance angiography indicated an aneurysm on the anterior communicating artery. It was subse-quently removed by surgery. A persistent primitive artery is frequently found to accompany aneurysm but de novo aneurysm associated with such an artery does not appear in the literature to date. The authors empha-size the importance of follow-up angiography in cases of persistent primitive artery not accompanied by an aneurysm.

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