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抄録 Persistent primitive trigeminal artery (以下PTAと略)を合併したモヤモヤ病2例を報告した。症例1は44歳の男性。突然の激しい頭痛で発症した左側頭頭頂葉内の皮質下血腫例で,4 vessel studyで右側のPTAとモヤモヤ病を認めた。症例2は56歳の女性。突然の激しい頭痛で発症した右側頭頭頂葉内の皮質下血腫例で,4 vessel studyで左側のPTAとモヤモヤ病を認めた。モヤモヤ病とPTAの合併例はこれまでの文献報告例で確認し得たPTA 232例中にはない。またPTAと本質的には同様の血管奇形と考えられるpersistent primitive hypoglossal artery (PHAと略)93例中にもない。モヤモヤ病の全国集計907例中にもPTAやPHAの合併例は1例も報告されていない。しかし,胎生期にPTAやPHAの消失する時期とモヤモヤ病奇形説の根拠の1つとされるモヤモヤ病様の血管状態を示す時期がほぼ一致していることから,この両者の合併は単なる偶然の可能性もあるが,密接な関係を有する可能性もあり,検討を加えて報告した。
Two cases of Moyamoya disease associated with persistent primitive trigeminal artery (PTA) are reported. Case 1: A 44 year-old man had sudden severe headache and found to have a subcortical hematoma in the left temporo-parietal lobe byCT-scans. Four vessel study revealed the right PTA and Moyamoya disease. Case 2: A 56year-old woman suffered sudden severe headache and was diagnosed as subcortical hematoma in the ri-ght temporo-parietal lobe by CT scans. The left PTA and Moyamoya disease were revealed by four vessel study.
In the previously reported 232 cases with PTA, we couldn't find out any case associated with Moyamoya disease. There are also no cases as-sociated with Moyamoya disease in 93 cases of persistent primitive hypoglossal artery (PHA) whose vascular anomaly is essentially similar to that of PTA. In the 907 cases of Moyamoya dis-ease collected by Japanese cooperative study, there were no cases in which PTA or PHA was associated by.
The period when PTA or PHA disappears at the embryonic stage (5-14 mm) almost corre-sponds to the period (11-14 mm) in which the vascular state is similar to Moyamoya phenomen. From this point of view, two cases of Moyamoya disease associated with PTA suggest that there is a close relationship between Moyamoya disease and PTA. On the other hand, it seems that Mo-yamoya disease is associated with PTA by mere chance, because their combination is very rare and Moyamoya vessels changes frequently and dynamically, while PTA does not change.

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