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モヤモヤ病は日本人によりはじめて報告され,両側の内頸動脈終末部に狭窄,閉塞を来たしそれに伴い脳底部に異常血管網がみられる原因不明の疾患である.日本人に多発し,その正確な発生頻度は明らかではないが,日本においては1年間に約200人前後が発症していると考えられ,現在では患者数は2000人を越えると推定されている4,16).一方,persistent primitive trigeminalartery(以下PTAと略す)は胎生期遺残血管の1つであり,脳血管撮影施行例の0.1-0.3%1)に発見され,脳血管障害とくに脳動脈瘤の合併が多いことが知られている.
A case of moyamoya disease associated with the per-sistent primitive trigeminal artery (PTA) is reported. 5 such cases reported in literature are reviewed.
A 16-year-old female patient was admitted to our cli-nic, having complained of right hemiparesis for 8 years. CT scan revealed multiple low density areas in the left frontal, temporal and parietal lobes. In left carotid angiogram, the internal carotid artery was occluded at the C3 portion and basal moyamoya (stage IV) wasfound. In right carotid angiogram, the internal carotid artery was occluded at the C3 portion and basal moyamoya (stage V) was found.

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