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REGIONAL DIFFERENCES IN THE ELECTROLYTE AND PROTEIN CONTENTS OF CEREBROSPINAL FLUID Norita Aoki 1 , Tenji Yabuki 1 , Koji Su uki 1 , Fumio Kuraishi 1 , Sogo Uematsu 1 , Takato Tsuruoka 1 , Koji Kisino 2 1Department of Neuropsychiatry, Nihon University, School of Medicine 2Jiundo Hospital pp.1041-1047
Published Date 1962/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406201367
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For the purpose of studying the regional differences in the electrolyte and protein con-tents of cerebrospinal fluid, the present au-thors determined and compared (1) cerebros-pinal fluid drawn by the fractional method in pneumo-encephalography, (2) cerebrospinal fluid obtained by lumbar puncture, (3) cereb-rospinal fluid obtained by suboccipital pun-cture, and (4) cerebrospinal fluid obtained by ventricular puncture. The subjects were 37 cases of schizophrenia. Na, K and Ca were determined by flame photometry; Cl by the Schales-Schales mercurial salt method ; and proteins by polarography and filter paper electrophoresis.

1. Regarding the cerebrospinal fluid which was collected by the fractional method in pneumo-encephalography, the more ascending was the order of the collection, that is, the upper than the lumbar subarachnoid space was the site of puncture, the lower were Na, K, Ca and Cl contents. In polarography, the upper cerebrospinal fluid, when compared with the lower, showed a decrease in the hei-ght of native and filtrate test waves. Electr-ophoretically, there was no great difference between the lower and the upper cerebrospi nal fluid, but the former was rich in α-glob-ulin and the latter in β-globulin.

2. Cerebrospinal fluid obtained from the lum-bar subarachnoid space contained less Na, K, Ca and Cl than did cerebrospinal fluid obta-ined from the cistern. Polarography revealed that cerebrospinal fluid obtained from the cistern exhibited a greater decrease in the height of native and filtrate test waves.

3. Cerebrospinal fluid obtained by lumbar puncture contained less Na, K, Ca, and Cl than did cerebrospinal fluid obtained by ven-tricular puncture. This tendency was marked especially in the case of K. Polarography disclosed a more remarkable fall in the height of native and filtrate test waves from cere-brospinal fluid obtained by ventricular pun-cture.

4. The cause of the regional differences in the electrolyte and protein contents of cereb-rospinal fluid were discussed in some respects.

Copyright © 1962, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


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