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小児期における髄膜腫は,非常にまれなものであり,欧米における小児期頭蓋内腫瘍の発生頻度についての代表的文献をみても,第1表のごとくBailey2), Globus9), Ingraham12), Bergstrand4),French7)らの報告している全頭蓋内腫瘍1,071例中,わずか13例で,その1.3%を占めるにすぎない。
次に成人をも含めた頭蓋内髄膜腫のなかで,後頭蓋窩内に発生する頻度は第2表のごとくCush—ing6), Horrax11), Grant10), Campbell5)柱13)安藤1)らの報告した総数1,137例中96例で,約8.5%を占めており,その年齢分布もまた他部の髄膜腫と同様,ほぼ40歳台に最も好発し,全症例の約50%が30歳から60歳の間に発生している。成人についてのこれら腫瘍の症候論,手術成績等についてかなり多くの症例の詳細にわたつた記載があるが,これらについての文献的考察は安藤ら1)が詳しく報告しているのでここでは省略する。
Intracranial meningiomas in infancy and childhood are very rare. According to five major reported. case series, it consists only 1.3% of all intracranial tumors of children. As for posterior fossa meningiomas,includ-ing adults, it cosists approximately 8.5% of all intracranial meningiomas which were reported in six major series as shown by table 2. Therefore it is easily understand-able the rarity of meningiomas in the posterior cranial fossa in childhood. We were able to find only two cases of posterior fossa meningioma among children less than five years of age in world literature.
Our patient is a three years old Japanese boy, who came to our clinic because of symptoms of increased intracranial pressure, but not because of disturbance of cerebellar function. Neurological examination faild to demonstrate any cerebellar signs. Clinical diagnosis was only made by Myodil ventricu-lography. Total resection of a tumor arising from the under-surface of the tentorium was successfuly performed, without complications The tumor was measured 5×3×4cm in diame-ter and weighed 60gm. It was occupying apploximately 1/3 of the right posterior cranial fossa, and extending toward the direction of cerebello-pontine angle.
Microscopic examination revealed a well differentiated fibroblastic type meningioma.
It is approximately three months since operation was performed, and the patient shows no positive neurological signs or symptoms. He is now at home and playing with other children quite actively.
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