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近年脳溢血に対する外科的治療は欧米においてMcKissock1), Lazorthes2), Davidoff3)らにより試みられているが,本邦においてはほとんどなく,この分野における外科的治療の躍進が期待される。
A man, 42 years of age, with vascular hy-pertension for three years, was admitted on the second day after the attack of severe he-adache, unconsciousness, spastic right hemi-plegia and hemihypesthesia. The blood pressure was 260mm. systolic and 140mm. diastolic, puls rate 80 and body temperature 37.8℃
On the third day after admission, deep coma, hyperthermia and rigidity appeared more markedly. CSF was bloody and its pressure 750mm. of water. Burr hole was made on the right frontal region and the cannula was inserted in the lateral ventricle. Bloody fluid and clot were removed as much as possible, and ventricular drainage was performed.
The patient recovered slowly but steadily, and was discharged on foot with slight left hemiparesis six month after operation.

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