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所が本領域疾患の中には対症療法としての下剤を全く受け付けぬ疾患が又珍らしくない。例えば心身疾患に於けるものは下剤を投与しても効かないばかりか,その為にかえつて腹痛,めまい等を伴つて全般的症状を悪くすることさえある。これは一般心身疾患や,感情と腸の共鳴から来る所謂Irritable colon syndrom14)等に対し心因的因子が重視され,その因子(stress)は視床下部より自律神経中枢および下垂体前葉に伝達され,腸管の蠕動や分泌のbalanceを変えると云われる為である。
Treatment was done on constipation which was often accompanying neuropsychiatric diseases, especially stubborn constipation cacompanying cerebral arteriosclerosis, par-kinsonism, symptomatic epilepsy, psychoso-matic diseases, anorexia nervosa, depression and intoxication which were commonly ex-perienced.
Cathartics were indicated for stubborn ha-bitual constipation in cerebral arteriosclero-sis, parkinsonism and symptomatic epilepsy. Saline cathartics and irritant cathartics ac-celerating intestinal peristalsis were used to adjust water in feces. When these cathartics were not very effective or showed side-ef-fects, combined cathartics of DDP and DSS were effective and the prognosis was favo-rable.
For constipation due to psychosomatic di-seases, anorexia nervosa and depression, a specialist's positive psychotherapy which was similar to the one for neurosis, and admini-stration of the abovementioned tranquillizer and antidepressant were necessary.
For constipation due to intoxication, the cause was removed and the abovementioned cathartics were used.

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