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2)臨床的に,智能程度は白痴であり,視力障碍は存したらしいが全くの旨目という事なく,眼底所見はpostneuritische Sehnervenatrophieがあり,黄斑部には特有の所見を欠く。震顫,小脳性失調が著明で一時Friedreich氏病が疑われ,気脳写でも著明な小脳萎縮を認めた。末期にはschlaffe Lähmungよりspastische Lähmungの状態となり病的反射の出現も見た。
A female patient. Epileptic convulsion was first seen at the age of 3 years and 6 months. Later, petit mal seizure followed. Gradually dementia and cerebellar ataxia became marked and she died at the age of 5 years and 2 months in the state of spastic paralysis. Cere-beller atrophy was observed in pneumoence-phalogram. Postneuritic optic nerve atrophy was found in her eye-ground. But no charac-teristic macular change could be found. Vi-sual disorder was marked but did not reach to blindness.
Pathological changes: Weight of her brain was 900g. Simian fissure was observed in the left side. Cerebellum was atrophic and scler-otic. Microscopically the nerve cells were swelled like balloon and they were full of lipid. This marked atrophy and sclerosis in the cerebellum contrastly different from that of another cerebellar hereditar ataxia. Peri-pheral fatty degeneration was found in liver. Spleen was atrophic and no fatty degenera-tion was found. So we cannot found any rela-tion to Niemann-Pick desease.
This case belongs to the late infantile type.
Copyright © 1959, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.