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形質細胞を主とする腫瘍は通常骨髄に発生し多発性骨髄腫Mnltiple Myelomaの形をとる(Plasma-cell Myeloma, Plasmocytoma)。ところが稀に骨髄外性に同様の形質細胞からなる腫瘍が単発性あるいは多発性に発生する(Extra-medullary Plasmocytoma)。これは一般に上気道,結膜などに好発し,骨髄性のものとことなり良性のものが多い。しかし中枢神経系に発生することは全く少いようで,Hellwig (1943)の128例総説中にも1例もなく,わずかに全世界で,French (1947)の不完全例が1例剖検報告されているだけである。それは視床下部に弧立性に存在したものであるが,同時に術後髄膜炎が共存していた。
As plasma-cell tumors are usually multiple and starting from bone, here is reported an instance of single plasmocytomas of soft tissues. The case represents primary invol-vement of the central nervous system, the single lesion being found at operation in the right frontal lobe.
The patient, a lumberman, aged 25, was admitted because of headache, vomiting and right blepharoptosis. The findings on neurolo-gical examination were: primary atrophy of the right optic nerve, left papilledema (Foster-Kennedy's sign) and right hyposmia. A right carotid arteriogram showed a marked back-ward displacement of the anterior cerebral artery. There was no evidence of a generalized inflammatory process by negative Wasserm-ann reaction of the blood and the cerebrospinal fluid. The right frontal lobe was explored through a transfrontal approach. The dura was thickened in the area and tumor was found just beneath it, extending infiltratively in the brain tissue, elastic hard in consistency, not well circumscribed. The right prefrontal area including the tumor was excised with rapid improvement of symptoms and signs after the operation: he is quite well up to now (three years thence from).

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