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Cerletti & Bini (1937)並びに安河内及び向笠(1939)により創始された電気衝撃療法(以下ESと略す)は幾多の改良が加えられたが操作簡単且つ,効果顕著であり,現在精神病治療の一方法として広く使用されている。本法の副作用として筋痛,循環器及び呼吸器障碍,骨折,脱臼等あるが,特に著るしい場合は稀で診療上重要な問題は施行回数であろう。乃ち頻回に亘るESは癲癇性痙攣の自然惹起をみるからで殊に経過慢性の精神病は継続施行を必要とすることが少くないために考慮すべき点である。
In the present, paper the problem of epilep-tic convulsion of patients of schizophrenia tre-ated with electro-shock was discussed. Among 20 schizophrenics, 15 cases were attacked, the others not attacked.
1. As individual conditions somewhat diffe-rences between two groups about sex and hi-story have been recognized, and yet no diffe-rences about types of the disease, body-type and familiar history.
2. Conditions of stimulations and frequen-cy of treatment were carried out in the same manner. An interval of treatments in attack group were a little while longer than no atta-cked group.
3. Symptomes of the seizure were as well as grand mal of genuine epilepsy. The atta-ck took place suddenly after some period la-ter from electro-shock treatment. Administ-ration of an antispasmodics were effective against grand mal. This drug were, however, less effective against grand mal associated with other symptomes.
4. According to electroencephalography a-nalysis with reference to MINAMI's histopa-thological studies, it was seemed that the or-ganic changes of brain was produced by fre-quent electro-shock treatment.

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