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1927年Garcinは特異な片側脳神経の総麻痺症候群(Le syndrome paralytique unilaterale globale des nerfs craniens)について記載し,自家経験例及び文献による症例を総覧して,全例に共通する主なる原因と特有な症候群を確立した。よつて,その後この症候群はGarcinの症候群(Syndrome de Garcin)と一般に呼ばれるようになつたが,吾々も上顎洞の扁平上皮癌及びBlumenbach斜台の脊索腫に原因し,夫々片側脳神経の多発性麻痺症状を伴いGarcinの症例と類似の経過を辿つた2例を経験したので,その臨床症状の概要と剖検所見について述べる。
Two cases of Garcin's Syndrome (so called Le syndrome paralytique unilaterale globale des nerfs craniens) were presented.
The first case was 42 year old, farmer, male. No disturbances of sensory and mo-tor system were observed on extremities and no signs of increased pressure, but on X-ray films destruction of sella turcica was disclosed. The paralysis of cranial nerves was found on left 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th completely, and partially on Ist, 2nd, 8th,9th, 10th, lath and 12th. Maxillary epithelial carcinoma was proved by autopsy.
The second was 37 year old housewife. At first she had 6th nerve paralysis on left. Then gradually 3rd, 4th and 6th nerves com-pletely paralysed. The second 7th, 8th, and 10th nerves on left showed weakness. She also had no signs of increased intracranial pressure and motor and sensory disturbances on extremities. On X-ray sella was destro-yed. On craniotomy chordoma grown from clivus was found.
These two cases had Garcin's syndrome due to intracranial malignant tumor. This syndrome should be differenciated from other intracranial lesions.
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