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頭部外傷によつて起る頭蓋内出血の中で硬膜下血腫は古くから臨牀的重要性が喚起されてきたが,その出血が大量かつ急速の場合を除くとPeet(1949)1),Hooper (1954)2),等もいつているように受傷後臨牀的所見の確明さを欠くことが多く,出血部位の決定が困難である。他方Jasper (19403),45)4),Glaser (1941)5),桂(1948)6),Walter(19517)),Schwab (1951)8)等は硬膜下血腫の場合脳波に変化の現われるものが多いことを認め,硬膜下血腫の早期局所診断及び予後判定に脳波検査の意義があることを主張している。私は日常多数の頭部外傷患者を診療しているところからこの方面の系統的研究の必要性を感じ,上記の諸報告の追試をかねまず猫を対象として硬膜下血腫を形成し,その脳に及ぼす機械的影響をも考慮にいれて脳波の形態の推移を追求したところ,2〜3の所見を得たのでここに報告する。
After the study on EEG in awakefulness and sleep of normal ripe cats, observed the process of the changes with EEG that was made on 52 ripe cats with experimental "open, " " closed" and "striked blow" subdural hematoma and then examinated them patho-anatomical after 7~40 days.
1) In the EEG of the normal cats in awa-kefulness, there were in the main 20~30/μV, 15~20c/s waves in the frontal ana temporal regions, and 30~50μV, 5~10c/s waves in the occipital regions.
In the sleep were appeared spindle bursts of 30~50μV, 30~35c/s waves.
2) In EEG findings of 6 cases with sub-dural hematoma by injektion of self-blood in widely exposed dura mater are reviewed re-duction of the ampulitude in the hematoma region without change of frequency, except for 1 case.
3) In EEG findings of 8 cases with sub-dural hematoma by injection of self-blood in a little bored hole on the skull, 2 cases showed low voltage, 5 cases showed low voltage fast wave, and 1 cases showed low voltage slow wave. But abnormal EEG findings of 5 cases of them disappeared after 3~5 days.

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