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Of the 31 cases with subdural hematoma treated at the Surgical Clinic of Prof. S. Ka-tsura, Tohoku University School of Medicine, 16 cases were subjected to EEG examination, for studies from various angles.
Generally speaking, the EEG of such sub-dural hematoma shows so little anomaly that the changes are easily overlooked, but all the 16 cases examined in this study showed perceptible changes in some way.
The EEG findings most serviceable in in-dicating the site of the tumor consisted in local foci of inhibited or slackened brain waves, which could he detected homolateral-ly in most cases. It is to be noted, however, that in some cases such foci were found contralaterally, so that the localized inhibi-tion and retardation foci may be very ser-viceable findings offering basis for diagnos-ing the location of the hematoma, but cannot be called 100% precise indicators.
The fundamental EEG showed in all cases irregular a-waves as the dominant waves and the potential tended to be low, especially among the cases with advanced tumors. In only one case with high intercranial pressure, however, the potential was found supernor-mal.

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