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Parkinson病の振顫,筋強剛に対しては古くから種々の治療が試みられて来た。薬物治療としては現在,Belladonnaの種々のalkaloid,antihista-mic drugs, atropin様作用をもついろいろの合成物質——Artane, Panparnit, Pagitane等——の3系統の薬物が主として使用されている。これらの薬物は可成りの効果を示すこともあるが,又反面とくに振顫はこれらに強く抵抗する場合があることは,我々の日常しばしば経験するところである。かゝる点からParkinson病に対する外科的治療も随分古くから試みられてきた。Hunter192416),192517),のSympathectomy, Pollock& Davis 193041)のdorsal rhizotomy, Puusepp 193028)のdotsal cordotomy, Delmas-Marsalet and Van Bogaert 193542)のdentate nucleusの破壊などがあるが勿論いずれも失敗に帰している。Parkinsonian tremorに直接の関係があると現在考えられている神経機構への外科的侵襲は,Bucy and Case 19398)によつてprecentral areaの切除が始めて行なわれて以来--Klemme18)はこれに先立つて1937に既に試みたことを1940に報告はしているが--,Putnam 193829)の頸髄における錐体路切断,Meyers 1939,1940,194220)—24)の前中心回皮質下切離,尾状核頭部切除,淡蒼球遠心路切断,Browder 19481)の内包前脚部切断,Oliver 195026)27)の頸髄における広範な側索切截,Givre 195213)のarea 4sの切除,Wycis and Spiegel 1952,195440)のthalamoto—my, ansotomy, mesencephalotomy, Cooper19539)−11)のanterior choroidal artery結紮など枚挙にいとまがない。我国においても,竹林のT-tomy35),楢林25)のprocain oilによる淡蒼球の破壊は衆知のものである。このように種々の手術が試みられているということはParkinson病に対する外科的治療の困難さを示すと同時に未だ満足し得る手術々式が見あたらないことを教えるものである。
Two cases of Parkinson's disease were report-ed who underwent partial section of the cere-bral peduncle for the relief of involuntary mo-vements. The results of the operation were not satisfactory, probably due to the conditions of the patients which were considered not to be of choice for surgical treatment, namelyrather marked muscular rigidity in addition to tremor in both cases and, moreover, bilateral manifestations in one case. The latter case, who received bilateral operations consecutively, died 40 days after the second operation. The other was left hemiparalyzed with increasing spasticity even 8 months after the operation.
Some symptoms and signs altered or induced by the procedure were, however, worthy of note. By pedunculotomy, tremor in the ex-tremities opposite to the side of operation was entirely abolished, and reversedly on the ipsi-lateral side it was markedly aggravated in one case, and was in the other even induced, though transiently, in the extremities on that side which had never shown tremor before the operation. In the latter, the induced tremor showed frequency of vibration exactly half as that before the procedure.
From the evidence available, now it would seem that the neuronal mechanisms on each side concerning parkinsonian tremor should be in intimate correlation with each other.
In both cases characteristic decrease of voli-tion was noted following the operation.
Recovery of voluntary movements and deve-lopement of other clinical findings, such as tendon and pathological reflexes, following the procedure were described, and evaluation of pedunculotomy for the relief of parkinsonian syndrome was discussed.

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