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Clinical Evaluation on the Anterolateral Cordotomy and Intra-Medullary Tractotomy for the Relief of Intractable Pain Heitaro Mogami 1 , Yasuo Koyama 2 , Masaru Kuru 2 1Department of Surgery and Neurosurgery, Osaka University Medical School 2National Cancer Center Hospital pp.650-661
Published Date 1967/10/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1431906437
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 The preseat paper deals with the clinical evaluation of result of the anterolateral cordotomy and intramedullary tractotomy for the relief ofintractable pain. These operations were carried out by the authors on 64 patients in Koraku Hospital, Kanazawa University Hospital, Osaka University Hospital and National Cancer Center Hospital during the peroid from 1934 to 1964. They consist of 46 cases of cordotomy (bilateral 37 cases, unilateral 9 cases) and 18 cases of medullary tractotomy. In 36 cases of them the extent of the cut was determined histologically and in 21 cases the ascending and descending degenerations were traced by Marchi technique. The results were compared with those obtained by experimental studies in animals (especially in cats) and with the related literature. The conclusions are as follows.

 Five long ascending pathways can be distinguished in the human spinal cord. Two of them, tractus spinothalamicus lateralis and tractus spinobulbaris seem to be concerned with conduction of pain sensation. They participate in the anterolateral ascending fascicle of Gowers. The lateral spinothalamic tract mediates the pain and temperature sensation of the body surface and terminates in the nuclei vcntralis posterolateralis intralaminalis and centre médian -of the thalamus. The lateral spinobulbar tract mediates the visceral sensation including visceral pain and terminates in the nuclei of paraalaris, juxtasolitarius and paratrigeminalis, which locate close to the vagal nuclei in the medulla. The centripetal connections of the latter tract are comprised in the tegmental fascicle of Forel and terminate in the nuclei of intralaminalis and centre médian.

 Close to the both ascending tracts in the anterolateral fascicle, the tractus reticulospinalis ventralis and lateralis descend, the former participates in the vesical contraction and the latter in the vesical relaxation.

 It is reasonable to classify the central pathways of trigeminal nerve into four categories. Two of them are termed tractus quintothalamicus tenuiss. paralemniscalis, and tractus quintothalamicus juxtagrisealis. The former tract corresponds to the lateral spinothalamic tract and seems to mediate sensations of pain and temperature of the face. The latter tract is comprised in Forel's tegmental fascicle and mediates visceral sensation including gustatory. The other two are classical trigeminothalamic tracts, i.e. dorsal tract of Wal lenberg and trigeminal lemniscus (i.e. ventral tegmental fascicle) of Spitzer.

 The topographical arrangement of these tracts in the various level of the brain stem and spinal cord are described in detail.

 Based on these findings it is recommended to interrupt both tractus spinobulbaris lateralis and spinothalamicus lateralis at the spinal level in order to palliate effectively the somatic and visceral pain of the body below the neck simultaneously.

 Interruption of these two tracts was attempted in 46 cases. Complication was proved to be less than the classical anterolateral cordotomy. Nine of them died within one week, so that 37 cases of bilateral cordotomy and 9 cases of unilateral cordotomy could be analyzed as to the effect and following results were obtained: excellent in 3, good in 19, fair in 13 and poor in 2, As to the relation of the site of the pain to the effect, it can be concluded that this operation is less effective for the pain of the upper body (e.g. caused by the cancer of the lung or breast) than for the pain in the lower body half.

 Intramedullary tractotomies, such as trigeminal, spinothalmic and spinobulber tractotomy were carried out on 18 cases. Indication was chosen not only for trigeminal neuralgia, but also for the tabtic crises and for the intractable pain due to cancer of the face and neck. Much better results was obtained by this operation for the former two indications, especially for tabetic crises. Intramedullary tractotomies were carried out on 7 cases bilaterally and on 11 cases unilaterally.

Copyright © 1967, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1243 印刷版ISSN 0001-8724 医学書院


