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マイネルト交連(J. N. A. のCommissura dorsalis)は視床下部の底面に近く視束交叉の背方で交叉する著明な有髄線維群である。人や一部の動物ではその更に背方にガンゼル交連即ちDeccussatio subthalamica ant-eriorがあるが,家兎ではガンゼル交連の存在は不明瞭であつてWinklerの家兎脳圖譜にもこれは載つていない。
マイネルト交連は主として比較解剖學的に研究され,Gudden, Kölliker, Darkschewitsch, Pribytkoff, Ed-inger, Probst, Dejerine, Leonowa, 小川,山田の報告があり,大別して2つの系統即ちレンズ核の系統と内側前脳束の系統に關係があるとされた。
1) Degeneration of fibers was found in the Meynert's commissure by Marchi method after lesion in the medial part of the pontile teg-mentum in a series of the rabbit's brain. The degenerating fibers were traced from the yen-tromedial portion of the Forel's field to the dorsolateral part of the medial forebrain bun-dle; then they through the internal capsule to the optic tract. After crossing the median line, the fibers in question descend along the dorsal side of the optic tract, then through the cerebral peduncle, reaching the zona in-certa, and the ventral part of the lateral geniculate body.
2) The medial forebrain bundle showed de-generation after lesion of the ventral grey matter near the pontile raphe. The degenerat-ing fibers ascend from the dorsolateral part of the interpeduncular nucleus, then through the mediodorsal parts of the medial forebrain bundle, reaching for the most part the regio innominata, while only very few of them attain the septum pellucidum.
3) The myelogenesis of Meynert's commis-sure was also studied.
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