

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The Histologic Changes of the Sympathetic Ganglia in Several Diseases. (2nd Report) Koide, Makoto 1 1Department of Pathology Chiba University. Medical School pp.339-345
Published Date 1951/11/1
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1406200238
  • Abstract
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Continued from the previeur issue.

I described the common findings of the sym-pathetic ganglia in Ist report. Their process of changing can be thought as follows.

Thosec hanges are caused by the complicati-ons as well as by the main disease of each case. So we must pay attention to analyse the type of the main disease and also its complications, if we intend to understand the pathologic situation of the sympathetic ganglia. Especi-ally we can say so in the cases of pulmonary phthisis and malignat tumor.

The so-coiled pathologic granules in nerve cell of the sympathetic ganglia (Ohnuma) are stained eosinophil by hematoxylin-eosin stain-ing, or Mallory's or Mann's method, and on the other hand fuchsinophil by Alzheimer's method, and lastly react positive to the fibrin-staining. Their size varies from that of very fine mitochondria to that of an erythrocyte.In configuration they look like a rain-drop or assume an oval outline, and it is surrounded by a narrow clear space of protoplasm.

They are distributed in the protoplasm at random.

They also appear in the cells whose nuclei are free from notable changes.

They can be discerned from the other subs-tance of like nature by stainings as follows.

And, they can be discern from Altmann's granule, the colloid described by Peters and Biondi, or Lewy's body etc., in view of the difference of stainability and morphological nature. As the result of the examination of all cases by Mann's method, these granules were noticed in 151 cases, but rarely in cases of infants under one year of age.

Then this pathologic ganule would be just the same as Alzheimer's funchsinophile gran-ule. And it is not peculiar to a specified disease.

When these granules are seen in varying size and particularly include the ones which are larger than a nucleolus among them, situation must be regarded as pathological. However, if those are all very delicate and thinly distri-buted, we could not determin what amount of the sense of the word "Pathologic" is suitable to this case, without more careful scrutiny.

Copyright © 1951, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 2185-405X 印刷版ISSN 0006-8969 医学書院


