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注意欠如・多動症(ADHD)は生涯にわたる障害であるが,成人期におけるADHDの診断は小児期より困難をきわめる。本研究では,標準注意検査法(CAT)を用いて,成人期ADHDの注意機能の特徴を明らかにすることを目的に調査を行った。当院外来を受診した18歳以上の知的障害を伴わないADHD患者を対象とし,認知機能検査としてWAIS-Ⅲを,注意機能検査としてCATを実施した。CAT各検査結果とWAIS-Ⅲ全検査IQとの関連について検討し,標準化データと比較検討した。CATの各課題のうち,知的機能の影響を受けず注意障害を認めたものは,Visual Cancellation Task,Auditory Detection Task,PASATであった。成人期ADHDでは視覚的・聴覚的な選択性注意,ワーキングメモリーが特徴的に障害されることが示唆された。
Objective:Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) often persists into adulthood. However, in general, the diagnosis of adult ADHD is more difficult than childhood ADHD. The objective of this study was to identify the attentional function with adulthood ADHD using the Clinical Assessment for Attention (CAT).
Methods:This study assessed in cognitive function using WAIS-Ⅲ and attentional function using CAT among adult ADHD patients who were 18 and above years of age that visited Ehime University Hospital, Department of Psychiatry. The correlation between full IQ and each subscale of CAT were evaluated and the subscale scores of CAT in adult ADHD patients were compared with those of standardized data in CAT manual.
Results:The score of Visual Cancellation Task, Auditory Detection task, and Paced Auditory Serial Addition Task were significantly lower than the standard data of CAT.
Discussion:In this study, the visual and auditory selective attention, and working memory were impaired in adulthood ADHD.

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