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抄録 小児ADHDの症状評価で世界的に汎用されるADHD-RS-Ⅳは,海外にて成人ADHDに対応する質問(prompts)と組み合わせて成人向けに使用されている(ADHD-RS-Ⅳ with adult prompts)。本研究は,日本語版promptsを作成し,日本人の成人ADHD患者36名および非ADHD成人被験者12名を対象に,その信頼性および妥当性を検討した。その結果,評価者内および評価者間信頼性の指標である級内相関係数は高く,内部一貫性の指標であるCronbach αは高い値を示した。CAARS日本語版およびCGI-Sとの相関で検討した妥当性も良好であり,かつADHD患者と非ADHD被験者との判別能力を検討するROC解析においても優れた結果であった。成人用prompts日本語版は,ADHD-RS-Ⅳとともに用いることで,成人ADHDの症状評価の手段として有用であると考えられた。
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Rating Scale-Ⅳ(ADHD-RS-Ⅳ), a popular rating scale for pediatric ADHD, has been customized and validated overseas to incorporate adult-specific questions or prompts to evaluate ADHD symptoms in the adult population(ADHD-RS-Ⅳ with adult prompts). In this study, the authors developed the Japanese version of the prompts and evaluated the reliability and validity with 36 Japanese adult ADHD patients and 12 adult non-ADHD participants. High intra-rater and inter-rater correlations as in intraclass correlation coefficients, in addition to a high Cronbach alpha value, reflecting its internal consistency, were achieved. The validities in terms of the correlations with Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales-Japanese version and Clinical Global Impressions-Severity of Illness were also observed. Receiver operating characteristic analysis to evaluate the potential to differentiate between ADHD and non-ADHD groups also yielded positive results. The present study indicating high reliability and validity suggests the usefulness of investigator-rating ADHD-RS-Ⅳ with adult-specific prompts in Japanese language in assessing ADHD symptoms in the Japanese adult population.(155 words)
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