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Pseudodementia, especially in relation to depression in the elderly Hiroto Shibayama 1 , Yasuo Marui 1 , Kazuyoshi Yoshida 2 1Department of Psychiatry, Nagoya University School of Medicine 2Department of Psychiatry, Seirei Mikatagahara General Hospital Keyword: Pseudodementia , Depression in the elderly , Disposition , Dementia , Ganser's state pp.367-374
Published Date 1984/4/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1405203744
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 Pseudodementia, a nonspecific syndrome mimicking dementia, is rarely associated with depression in the elderly. Clinically, however, there is much difficulty in differentiating between pseudodementiaand true dementia. The authors report two cases of depression manifesting as false organic brain syndrome in the old patients. Case 1. Mr. A, a 70-year-old manager of tea shop, had displayed insomnia, restlessness, urinary incontinence, loss of restraint, impairment of memory, disorientation and acalculia. The electroencephalogram was within normal limits. Antidepressants and lithium carbonate were prescribed. He was improved and returned to his job. Case 2. Mrs. B, a 67-year-old housewife was hospitalized because of hypochondriacal syndrome, memory disturbance, acalculia and disability for abstraction. On the WAIS, estimated full scale IQ was 78. Antidepressant medication was started. The patient's pseudodementia began improving and within 6 months she completely recovered. She had full scale IQ of 100. The electroencephalogram and CT-scan were entirely within normal limits, as were blood B-12 and folate levels and thyroid function studies. The analysis of our cases and the literature is summarized as follows : (1) There are a group of patients with pseudodementia among depressive patients. It is too severe to blame the psychiatrists for their misdiagnosis because of the difficulty of differentiating depression from dementia. (2) Not only in the senium but in the presenium there are many patients with pseudodementia. Therefore the pathogenic factors such as constitution or disposition as well as senile change or aging should be taken into consideration. (3) The concept of "pseudodementia" is useful in order to hit the therapeutic nihilism. (4) In ordinary depression, pseudodementia is not a major symptom but relatively a rare symptom. Moreover the cognitive impairment in the elderly suggests high probability of being organic brain syndrome rather than pseudodementia. (5) Clinically it is not clear to distinguish pseudodementia from Ganser's state.

Copyright © 1984, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-126X 印刷版ISSN 0488-1281 医学書院


