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ミトコンドリア脳筋症は心筋疾患にも関与し,遺伝学的解析が進んでいるが,心筋代謝の検討は少ない.そこで,心筋代謝を検討する目的で,心臓ペーシング負荷時の冠静脈洞採血を施行し,乳酸とピルビン酸の代謝動態を検討した.対象はKearns-Sayre syndrome(KSS)の2例(47歳,64歳)である.ペーシング(140 bpm,5 min)前後で,血行動態測定とともに大動脈と冠静脈洞より採血した.ペーシングによりdouble productsは増加したが,冠静脈洞の乳酸とピルビン酸は増加せず,乳酸産生を認めなかった.KSSではミトコンドリア機能異常のために,運動負荷にて骨格筋の過剰な乳酸産生を認めるとされるが.心筋ではペーシングにて乳酸産生がなく,KSSの骨格筋と心筋代謝が異なる可能性があり,心筋がATP産生予備能を有することが示唆された.
Mitochondrial diseases have Mitochondrial DNA defects, which could cause myocardial dysfunction as well as myopathy. To evaluate the myocardial metabo-lism in Mitochondrial disease, we investigated the myocardial lactate extraction during cardiac pacing in two men with Kearns-Sayre syndrome (KSS).
The patients, aged 47 and 64 years, had typical clinical evidence of KSS. We measured lactate, pyruyate. O2 saturation in aorta and coronary sinus, and hemo-dynamic parameters before and after cardiac pacing (140 bpm, 5 minutes). Atrial pacing was made in one patient and AV sequential pacing in the other because of complete AV block.
Double products increased 63%and 92%during cardiac pacing. Following cardiac pacing, there was no marked increase in the concentration of lactate (aorta, 31.8, 6.3 to 31.8, 2.08; coronary sinus, 19.2, 3.7 to 19.1, 4.4 mg/ dl) and pyruvate (aorta, 3.46, 0.55 to 2.08, 0.51; coronary sinus. 0.97, 0.26 to 1.15. o.32 mg/dl). There was no myocardial lactate production.
It has been pointed out that the skeletal muscle in KSS produces excessive lactate on a exercise test because of mitochondrial dysfunction. These results suggest that there are metabolic differences between mvocardium and skeletal muscle in mitochondrial dis-ease. One particular intriguing hypothesis is that at least in some Mitochondrial diseases accumulation of the deleted mitochondrial DNA in patients with mitochon-drial disease differs among tissues.

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