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超音波パルス・ドプラ法による左室流入血流速波形(LVIF)を用い,本態性高血圧症における左室拡張障害に対するenalaprilの効果について検討した.過去に治療歴のない高血圧症25例を対象とし,これらを左室壁肥厚を認めない非肥大群16例,左室壁肥厚を認める肥大群9例に分類した.全例にenalapril 5〜10mg/dayを6カ月間投与し,投与前後における左室心筋重量とLVIFの諸指標を計測した.非肥大群における投与後のLVIFの拡張早期波高(E)は有意に増高(p<0.05),心房収縮期波高(A)は減高傾向,A/Eは有意に減少(p<0.01),拡張早期波の減速時間(E-DT)および等容拡張時間(IRT)は有意に短縮(各々p<0.05,p<0.01)した.一方,肥大群においては,投与後のEは有意に増高(p<0.05),Aは減高傾向,A/Eは有意に減少(p<0.05),E-DTおよびIRTは短縮傾向,左室心筋重量は減少傾向を示した.高血圧症全例における高血圧歴とenalapril投与によるA/E変化率および左室心筋重量変化率との間にはいずれも有意の正相関(各々p<0.05,p<0.01)を認めた.以上より,高血圧症患者に対するenalaprilの長期投与は,左室肥大の有無にかかわらず左室拡張異常を改善させ,その効果は高血圧歴が早期であるほど顕著であることが判明した.
Several studies have demonstrated that angiotensir converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors lead to a significant regression of left ventricular (LV) hypertro-phy and improvement of LV diastolic function. But it is unclear whether its mechanism is based on reduction in afterload or other factors. To assess the effect of enalapril on LV wall mass and diastolic hemodynamics. we recorded left ventricular inflow velocity pattern (LVIF) by pulsed Doppler echocardiography before and after six months of treatment with enalapril in 25 patients with essential hypertension, including 6 with LV hypertrophy and 16 without LV hypertrophy. After enalapril, 1) mean blood pressure decreasedsignificantly in all patients. 2) LV wall mass decreased slightly in patients with LV hypertrophy, 3) the ratio (A/E) of the peak velocity of an atrial contraction wave (A) to an early diastolic wave (E), deceleration time (E-DT) of the early diastolic wave and isovolumic relaxation time (IRT) decreased significantly in all patients. 4) the decreasing rate of A/E or LV wall mass and the duration of high blood pressure had a good positive correlation. In conclusion, antihypertensive treatment with enalapril led to a significant improve-ment of LV diastolic failure without reference to its LV hypertrophy. and its effect was more remarkable in patients with a shorter history of hypertension.

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