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本態性高血圧症においてACE阻害薬であるenalaprilを長期投与し,左室心筋重量の退縮,左心機能の変化および血漿renin-angiotensin系に与える影響について検討した.本態性高血圧症16例(WHO Ⅰ期8例,WHO Ⅱ期8例)を対象とした.平均年齢は49.5±10.5歳.enalapril投与前後で血圧,心拍数,心電図,胸部X線写真,X線CT,心エコーを施行し,かつ血漿PRA,PAC,AT Ⅱ,ACE活性を測定した.左室心筋重量は,多断面心電図同期心X線CT法より測定し,左心機能は心エコー図法より計測した.血漿renin-angiotensin系には有意な変化を認めなかった.左室心筋重量は,投与前121.4±25.6から投与後104.6±13.7(g/m2)と有意に低下した.左室収縮機能は有意な変化を示さず,左室拡張機能は有意な改善を認めた.enalapril長期投与により血漿renin-angiotensin系は変化しなかったが,左室肥大の退縮,左室拡張機能の改善を認めた.
The aim of this study was to study the effect of enalapril (E) on left ventricular (LV) mass, LV func-tion and blood renin-angiotensin (RA) in patients with hypertension. Sixteen hypertensives were included in this study (WHO Ⅰ 8, WHO Ⅱ 8, 49.5±10.5 yrs). They were examined for blood pressure and heart rate. Chest X-ray film, echocardiography (echo), X-ray computed tomography (CT) and RA before and after about 6 months of E administration were studied. The LV mass was calculated by CT. The LV function was measured by echo. RAS was unchanged during this study.

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