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Standard values and prediction equations of res-piratory function measurement can be greatly alte-red by the difference of the equipments and methods employed as well as race, body characteristics, and living environment of the subjects being studied. It is therefore of necessity to obtain prediction equa-tions which match the up-to-date physical characteri-stics of Japanese. In the present study, pulmonary functions of 1041 healthy adults aged from 20 to 79 were measured with an automated spirometer (FUDAC 80) . The average values and standard de-viations of each measurement separated by sex and grouped by decades were calculated, and the corre-lation of these values and the biological characteri-stic factors (i.e. body weight, height, age) were exa-mined. Prediction equations of each pulmonary me-asurements applicable to both sexes ranged from 20 to 79 year-old were derived by employing a multiple regression analysis method. The measurements in-clude vital capacity, expiratory reserve volume, in-spiratory capacity, functional residual capacity, re-sidual volume, total lung capacity, RV/TLC, for-ced vital capacity, FEV1, FEV1%, maximal mid-expiratory flow, maximal voluntary ventilation, CO pulmonary diffusing capacity, and DLCO/VA. The prediction equation of these values are statistically highly reliable (p>0.01) , and are considered to be useful in the clinical application.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.