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From the clinical and theoretical investigation, we have reported that the pulmonary discontinuous sounds or rales might be classified into two main groups with different occurrence mechanisms. One is bubbling with acoustically explosive character produced by the explosion of the bubbles in the airways, and another is crackles which contain crep-itation and Velcro rale with acoustically resonant character produced in the certain condition where the movement of surrounded tissue wall is limited. To ascertain these events, correlative morphologic and acoustic investigations on experimentally induc-ed edematous lung in canines were done.
As a result, it was noted that the sounds record-ed in early stage of the experiment were resonant sound or crepitation and the histologic examination at that time revealed lung congestion with peri-vascular cuffing and alveolar wall thickening with-out intraalveolar and airway's fluid fiilling, and that the sounds recorded in late stage of the lung edema were mainly explosive sound or bubbling and the histologic findings at this time revealed not only marked alveloar wall thickening but also fluid-filling into intraalveolar spaces and airways.
These results suggest that our postulation men-tioned above would be well acceptable.
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