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We presented two cases of acute coronary occlu-sion after successful percutaneous transluminal coro-nary angioplasty (PTCA) associated with a tread-mill stress testing.

Case 1: A 54-year-old man with effort angina was referred to our hospital for cardiac catheterization. At the time of cardiac catheterization, the proximal RCA had a 99% diameter narrowing, and the prox-imal LCX had a 90% diameter narrowing. PTCA was performed and both lesions were successfully dilated. Eight days after PTCA, he had a symptom-limited treadmill stress testing, using the Bruce protocol. The exercise was terminated at a peak heart rate of 173 min (103% of aged-predicted maximal heart rate), and at a maximal systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg. A few minutes after the end of exer-cise, he developed a severe chest pain and ECG changes, which showed ST elevation in leads II, III, aVF and ST depression in leads V4-V5. Emergency coronary angiography disclosed an acute coronary occlusion of RCA at the site of PTCA. Emergency PTCA was performed and the lesion was successfully re-dilated.

Case 2: A 68-year-old man was referred to our hos-pital for cardiac catheterization a month after sub-endocardial anterior myocardial infarction. At thetime of cardiac catheterization, the proximal LAD have a 99% diameter narrowing. PTCA was perform-ed and the lesion was successfully dilated. 18 days after PTCA, he had a symptom-limited treadmill stress testing, using the Bruce protocol. The exercise was terminated at a peak heart rate of 158/min (102% of aged-predicted maximal heart rate), and at a maximal systolic blood pressure of 218 mmHg. Ten minutes after the one of 218 mmHg. Ten minutes after the end of exercise, he developed a severe chest pain and ECG changes, which showed ST elevation in leads III, III, aVF and ST depres-sion in leads V3-V5. Emergency coronary angiogra-phy disclosed an acute coronory occlusion of LAD at the site of PTCA. Emergency PTCA was performed and the lesion was successfully re-dilated.

In general, treadmill stress testing is frequently performed within several days after PTCA and con-sidered safe and beneficial to assess the result of the procedure. However, acute coronary occlusion after PTCA associated with treadmill stress testing has been showen to develop in these cases, so it seems that early high level exercise may be harmful.

Copyright © 1990, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


