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Sealy1),岩ら2)により始められたWolff-Parkinson White(以下W-P-W)症候群に対する副伝導路切断術は,近年症例数の増加とともに確実なものとなり,右心型のみならず左心型,中隔型に対しても確実に副伝導路切断を行いうるようになった3〜5)。また副伝導路切断術の対象も,成人のみならず小児,乳幼児にまで拡大されてきた4)。一方電気生理学的検査法の進歩により,洞調律時の心電図で心室早期興奮所見を呈さない発作性上室性頻拍症(以下PSVT)の中に逆行性伝導のみに働く房室副伝導路を有する,いわゆる潜在性W-P-W症候群(Concealed W-P-W syndrome)が相当数存在することが示唆されており6),その外科的治療についても少数ながら報告がみられる7〜9)。
A 32-year-old male with recurrent paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia was studied electro-physiologically. The presence of a left posterior septal atrioventricular accessory pathway capable only of retrograde conduction, concealed Wolff-Parkinson-White, was diagnosed.
The patient underwent surgical interruption of the concealed accessory pathway successfully. Epicardial excitation was studied during the surgery. Epicardial mapping of the ventricle during sinus rhythm revealed no preexcitation sequence. Epicardial mapping of the atrium during SVT confirmed the prosence of a concealed accessory pathway at the left posterior septum. At this portion, interruption of the left atrium and the left ventricle along the mitral annulus was made.
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