

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Respiratory Dynamics of Emphysema. Chiyoshi Yoshimoto 1 1The Dept. of Medical Electronics, Institue of Applied Electricity, Hokkaido University. pp.77-80
Published Date 1966/1/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404201546
  • Abstract
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This study is a trial for the theoretical analysis of relatively complicated phenomena in various respiratory dynamical symptoms of emphysematous diseases by analog com-puter simulation.

The human lung was simplified such that it consists of two alveolar sacks contained in a thoracic cage, each of which is connect-ed to an upper airway through individual bronchus. Following factors were took in account: common thoracic pressure consist-ing of end expiratory and tidal pressures, lung compliances of two lobes which may differ each other, lung elastances in terms of pressure, common upper airway impedance, and bronchiolar airway admittances, each of which is the function of bronchiolar elastance, surface tension of airway wall and pressure difference between thoracic and intrabronchial pressures, an analog simulator was con-structed with 32 amplifiers, 4 function multi-pliers and 27 potentiometers.

Among numerous interesting findings, a few important points were stressed as fol-lows.

1) Dynamic FRC (functional residual capa-city) increases with decreased airway admit-tance while the static FRC remains normal. This increment of dynamic FRC may cause the enlargement of alveolar sacks by the plastic properties of lung tissue, resulting the increase of static FRC and accelerate the enlargement in succession.

2) Check-valve action may be resulted by the increase of airway resistance with normal or increased airway elastance and/or increase of airway surface tention, not necessarily by the collapsing (closing) of airway.

3) In case of uneven obstruction, the con tamination of respiratory gas from one lobe to the other is recognized and, apparently, such contamination may be seen as a part of increased functional dead space.

4) Decrease of airway elastance causes the increase of dynamic FRC and decrease of check -valve action.

5) Increase of lung compliance causes the increase of dynamic FRC Uneveness of lung compliance accelerates contamination of gas.

6) Only the static lung compliance can represent some properties of lung tissue, while so called dynamic compliance is almost meaningless in most obstructive cases.

7) Static compliance may be easily meas-ured by lung volume-thoracic pressure dia-gram with zero-flow signal from flow-meter, without any interruption of breathing.

Copyright © 1966, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


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