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要旨 マルファン症候群は,骨格異常,眼異常,心血管異常など多くの器官に病変を引き起こす常染色体優性遺伝の全身性結合組織疾患である.以前より口腔内所見として,高口蓋,歯列不正などが知られている.近年,諸外国においてマルファン症候群と歯周病との関係が注目されてきており,日本人におけるマルファン症候群の実態調査としてGhent基準陽性20名のマルファン症候群症例につき歯周病罹患状態を評価した.現在歯数は27歯とほぼ保たれていたが,歯周ポケットの深さ(PD)は2.815±0.624mm,PD測定部位での出血の有無(BOP)は11.567±8.394%,地域歯周疾患指数(CPI)は中等度・重度に該当するコード3,4の症例が15名(75%)も認められた.以上よりマルファン症候群では,中等度から重度の歯周病が高頻度に認められマルファン症候群における歯周組織の脆弱性が示唆された.
Marfan syndrome is a connective tissue disorder with autosomal dominant inheritance.
The disease affects mainly the skeletal,cardiovascular,and ocular systems. Patients with this syndrome often demonstrate oral and maxillofacial manifestations including highly arched palate with crowding of teeth. In order to evaluate the clinical characteristics in Japanese Marfan syndrome patients,we evaluated the periodontal status of those patients who were diagnosed as Marfan syndrome according to the Ghent nosology(n=20). The results showed that the number of teeth present was 27. Probing pocket depth were 2.815±0.624mm,bleeding on probing 11.567±8.394%,and percentages of CPI(community periodontal index)codes 3 or 4 75%. Our results demonstrate the significantly high prevalence of severe periodontitis in patients with Marfan syndrome. The connective tissue disorder in Marfan syndrome may also increase susceptibitity to inflammatory breakdown of periodontal tissue.

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